Almadina Concept

Almadina Concept

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Administrateur de Groupe Almadina Concept

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Hi, All members.

Selling USB Scrypt Asic Miner (HashBuster Whistle 0,5-1.65 Mh/s)
Power consumptions:
0.5 - 1À 5V ( 5W )
1.65 - 1.3A (15.6W)

1 pc - 40$ .
10 pcs - 350$
24 pcs + free hub = 800$

We have a hub for placing 24 HashBuster Whistle and get 39.6 Mh/s.
Hub have 2 120mm fans.
Buy 24 HashBuster Whistle miners and we provide hub for free.
------------------------------------------------------------------- ====
Shipping: We ship from China.
Shipping expences depends on desired express company.
Buy 48 miners (2 hubs) and we provide worldwide shipping absolutely for free.
Foto Here -

Contact us:
Skype: Best-Miners
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